S01E22 – Consent Parenting (With Rosalia Rivera)
August 17, 2020
S01E24 – We Are Pediatric Single Mamas (with Dr. Catricia Tilford)
March 3, 2021
S01E22 – Consent Parenting (With Rosalia Rivera)
August 17, 2020
S01E24 – We Are Pediatric Single Mamas (with Dr. Catricia Tilford)
March 3, 2021

S01E23 – Difficult Feeders (With Doctor Eva Cesnek)

Hi, I’m Doctor Evka!

I’m a board-certified family physician and the mother of a young child who fed very reluctantly! Yet very few individuals believed the extent of the problem or knew how to really help!

I started this website when I realized there is an enormous gap in knowledge and resources not only on the different aspects of early childhood feeding especially when feeding is hard but also in how caregivers and their young children get the appropriate help.

Because of my medical experience, my book knowledge, my various feeding-related certifications, and my day-to-day experience with feeding therapy, I grew to have an actionable knowledge base. With what we implemented, my child now likes to feed, and I have so much more of my life back.

Visit Doctor Evka’s website: doctorevka.com