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February 2, 2022
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February 17, 202215 Things You Must Do In Your Third Trimester Of Pregnancy To Have A Smooth 4th Trimester

In this blog we will discuss the 15 things that you should be doing before your baby arrives. I recommend that you use the third trimester of pregnancy to start preparing and planning for the fourth trimester.
- Let’s start with the most obvious, which is setting up the nursery. Maybe you’ve already picked out the furniture and now you have to put everything together. If you haven’t picked anything out, no worries, for the first few months all you really need is a bassinet. Watch episode 10 Baby’s Room Essentials with Bonnie Barrios for guidance. Also download the baby safety room by room checklist, to make sure the nursery passes inspection.
- Get the car seat installed and sunshades. This may feel frustrating for you because the car seat can be tricky. I do suggest that you use this website www.nhtsa.gov., which gives you the step by step in car seat installation. You can also have someone double check and make sure that you did a good job. Many fire departments will offer this service.
- Wash your baby’s clothes and linens. Use a baby detergent, because baby skin is very sensitive and can get irritated with regular laundry detergent.
- Set up and learn how to use all the baby items like, the baby bottle sanitizer or the baby monitor system. I also recommend that you stock up on some formula regardless of whether you’re going to breastfeed or not because you just might need it. Make sure you have the essentials like: baby bottles, diapers, and diaper cream.
- Stock up your home with home essentials- stock up the pantry, have your favorite snacks, beverages and toiletries.
- Pack your hospital bag. For both mom and partner (if you have one). I recommend you pack your own bags, because you want to make sure your favorite things are with you. This is a great article to read before you do it: Everything You Need to Pack in Your Hospital Bag
- If you have pets, you want to train the pets with the baby gates. Make sure that they’re installed correctly. After delivery bring a baby blanket home before baby arrives so pets get familiar with the newest family member.
- Get rest while you can, because you will never sleep the same way again! Plan extra time with your partner (if you have one!): Seeing your partner become a parent is one of the most amazing things ever, and brings an incredible bond! Planning some extra time together pre-baby will go a long, long way!
- Take this time to search for your pediatrician. Podcast episode three in season 1 gives you all the tips on what you should be looking for to find the ideal pediatrician for your baby.
- Call your health insurance company. If you haven’t done this already, notify your insurance company that you are expecting a baby. You usually can get a voucher for a breast pump, and maybe even for a newborn care course that you can use for the Dancing into Parenthood digital course!
- Freezer meals: Making elaborate, time-sucking meals is not fun with a brand new baby. Start early, and start making a double batch of whatever you’re making for dinner 1-2 times per week and store! Ask friends and family to set up a meal train for your first week home. Budget for meal deliveries from Grubhub etc.
- Arrange help with household tasks and childcare if needed so you’re able to do nothing but recover and be with your baby.
- Prepare for postpartum bleeding, discomfort and bowel movements by buying depends, bed pads (aka wee wee pads) and stool softeners. Stock up on recovery items: Maxi pads, TUCKS, hemorrhoid cream, sitz bath, cold and warm packs. You can stock up on disposable underwear and the peri bottle at the hospital. Stock up on these items pre-baby, you’ll be happy when you have an extra tube of hemorrhoid cream waiting for you when you need it, and you’re not making last minute trips to the 24 hour pharmacy. Make a postpartum bathroom basket: You know those recovery items you’re stocking up on? Put them all in a basket near your toilet!
- Take the Dancing Into Parenthood digital course and listen to podcast episodes. Get on that class while you’re still pregnant, this will ensure that you are prepared for your baby!
- Schedule extra therapy sessions: An extra mental health check in during this time should be made a priority for your self-care! ❤ Set up a therapy appointment a few weeks pp to check in on your mental health.

Moms need to know how important it is to take care of themselves after the baby is born. So much focus is put on the baby and the mother is forgotten.